Burning through wood in the leaky cabin crib like it was free or something. Today was a light day, Bob's back is giving him some grief, even though he hops and rushes about like a teenager on the jobsite. Gives me the willies. Watching him nail together the walls while bending over swinging a hammer between his feet makes my back hurt :)
So, we are taking it slowly and gently. Paying particular attention to where we put fasteners in the floor plates.
Doorway wall for the bathroom is up.
Now, folks with really sharp eyes may do a double take and say to themselves, "Hey, wait a sec, , to which wall are you justifying the drywall?? Are those 24" center wall studs? ? I don't understand." And they'd be right. Good eyes, yes, that is a mistake that will end up getting 'fixed in the mix'. Oh well.
But that's the framing for the back wall of the utility closet.
Here we didn't frame the wall. Decided the only thing that makes sense for the utility/laundry room is a pocket door. We'll put in a 2-10 pocket door and since you can just go buy a pocket door frame and hardware, there is really no way we could frame up our own that will work as well, we basically decided to call it day. We were out of nails anyway.
So, Bob went off to HomeDepot to buy more LED lighting for his and Anne's house, and I went off to do chores.
Have a good weekend.
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