Thursday, December 22, 2011

finally got back to work.

it's been an on and off week for me here at Cold Comfort. Tracey came up over the weekend and worked on cleaning out the little playhouse in prep for demolition to make way for the new storage shed. We did a little this and that and Bob took the week off to tend to his own work on their house. I kinda sputtered and stalled with the holidays upon us, and I had a time critical project to finish as well:

That took a remarkable amount of time to complete. But it's done, in time.

So, my BoraCare arrived and coming up with what I needed to prepare it in the cold was tricky. Boiling pots of water on the woodstove and measuring this and that. The prep makes 6 gallons,and it wants to mixed hot as the stuff is the consistency of cold molasses. Anyway, that took better part of a morning. That, and I needed a day off, so I checked into a cheap hotel, took long showers, did laundry, and relaxed for a while. Sorely needed break.

So, today, FINALLY, I'm back up on the cam.

Suited up, cloved up, respirator and glasses and went and sprayed down all the sill plates and area where the cabin and the addition connect. Then went back and sprayed it down again. With that done, I went back and caulked up all the wall cavities.

After, of course, vacuuming out all the cavities and such. Then the fun really began.

And I just kept going, until I ran out of batts.

I made it about 2/3rds (or 3/5ths) the way around the room. So, I need two more bundles of batts to finish (I think). That'll be tomorrow.

But really, I have to ask myself, "Who does this? Am I crazy?"

And Happy Solstice!

So, the new year proper begins tomorrow. Welcome Winter!


  1. You have to ask "Why do this?" and "Am I crazy?". Really? REALLY?

  2. I have a very high regard for you and all you do for your Cold Comfort. Hope to see you this weekend.

  3. @markllama, Umm, yeah, actually, I do.

    @Unknown, thanks so much for the vote of confidence.
